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Cyber espionage stories - Page 2

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Russian, Ukraine-themed war lure of choice for cyber espionage
Fri, 8th Apr 2022
cyber espionage
Russian and Ukraine-themed war documents have become the lure of choice for cyber espionage, according to a new analysis from Check Point Research.
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ESET Research releases T3 2021 Threat Report summarising key cybersecurity research
Wed, 9th Feb 2022
The latest ESET Threat Report reveals key insights into external attack vectors, email threats, and the impact of cryptocurrency exchange rates.
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At least nine global organisations compromised by new active cyber-espionage campaign
Wed, 10th Nov 2021
palo alto
unit 42
cyber espionage
A new active cyber-espionage campaign has compromised global organisations in the defence, education, energy, healthcare and technology sectors.
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Android espionage: ESET uncovers BladeHawk campaign via Facebook
Wed, 8th Sep 2021
cyber espionage
ESET researchers uncover targeted mobile espionage campaign against Kurdish group, distributed via Facebook profiles.
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Advanced threat actors engaged in cyberespionage up their game
Thu, 8th Apr 2021
cyber espionage
Advanced threat actors engaged in cyberespionage in the Asia Pacific have upped their game in a new campaign, according to Kaspersky.
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Cyber-espionage growing problem for APAC region, report finds
Wed, 16th Dec 2020
Asia-Pacific public sector at highest risk for cyber-espionage attacks, says new Verizon Cyber-Espionage Report. APAC also hit hardest worldwide.
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Check Point uncovers five year cyber espionage campaign
Fri, 8th May 2020
email security
cyber espionage
Naikon’s primary method is exploit the trust and diplomatic relations between departments and governments to increase the chances of its attack succeeding.
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Fortinet cyber threat report paints bleak picture
Thu, 27th Feb 2020
network infrastructure
network security
The report reveals cybercriminals are maximising global economic and political realities to further enable their goal.
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Nation-state actors leverage insiders for economic espionage
Fri, 1st Feb 2019
cyber espionage
industry experts
Flashpoint's Eric Lackey reveals the true cost of state-sponsored cyber espionage and just how rampant it actually is.
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Supermicro to test for spy chips, Apple & AWS call for retraction
Tue, 23rd Oct 2018
datacentre infrastructure
public cloud
Supermicro vows to test its motherboards for alleged spy chips amid strong denials from Apple and AWS, who demand Bloomberg retract its claims.
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Chinese espionage: Sweating Apple insists breach allegations are ‘not true’
Tue, 9th Oct 2018
supply chain systems
The dust still hasn't settled on the report that caused Supermicro's stocks to collapse, and now Apple is stressing its innocence.
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Supermicro, Apple, & Amazon vs crippling scandal – who’s lying?
Sat, 6th Oct 2018
datacentre infrastructure
A Bloomberg report claims that Supermicro sold motherboards with Chinese spy chips to Apple and Amazon, causing Supermicro's stock to plummet by 40%.
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Carbon Black claims there's a link between geopolitics and cyberterrorism
Wed, 25th Jul 2018
carbon black
cyber attacks
cyber espionage
China, North Korea, and Russia are operationalising and supporting advanced cyber militias, says Carbon Black report.
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China cyberespionage group targets US maritime & engineering sectors
Mon, 19th Mar 2018
breach prevention
A China-based cyberespionage group may be targeting United States engineering and maritime industries tied up in activities about the South China Sea.
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'MuddyWater' threat campaign targeting Central Asia & Middle East
Thu, 15th Mar 2018
trend micro
A resurgence of last year’s ‘MuddyWater’ threat campaign may be targeting organizations in Pakistan, Turkey and Tajikistan.
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State-sponsored North Korean cyberespionage group continues to weaponize tactics
Wed, 21st Feb 2018
breach prevention
north korea
The North Korean threat group known to some as Reaper (APT37) is eyeing bigger targets with more sophisticated tactics.
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US intelligence agencies accuse Huawei & ZTE of spying - again
Thu, 15th Feb 2018
Four US intelligence agencies have accused Huawei of spying on customers who own Huawei smart devices, but they aren't sharing any evidence.
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Southeast Asian govt firms targeted by Sowbug cyberespionage group
Wed, 8th Nov 2017
Southeast Asian and South American governments are under fire from a well-resourced cyberespionage group called Sowbug.
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How North Korea’s nuclear aggression masks a deeper threat
Mon, 9th Oct 2017
According to Carbon Black's national security strategist, the rogue nation has been carrying out a stealth campaign that threatens even worse mayhem.
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Proceed with caution
Fri, 1st Oct 2010
social networking
Mobile computing, social media and cloud top the security threat list for C-level executives and IT security professionals.