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Yubico stories

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Exclusive: Why creating phishing-resistant users is key to cybersecurity
This month
email security
Yubico's Jeff Schomburgk has discussed the critical rise of phishing-resistant authentication and its pivotal role in shaping the future of cybersecurity.
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Sphere PR launches bespoke cyber-crisis comms service on 18th anniversary
Thu, 9th May 2024
advanced persistent threat protection
breach prevention
For its 18th anniversary, Sydney-based Sphere PR unveils a customised cyber-crisis communications service, underscoring its expertise in tech security PR in Australia and New Zealand.
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Yubico bolsters security with YubiKey 5.7 firmware update
Tue, 7th May 2024
advanced persistent threat protection
security posture
Yubico enhances hardware authentication security with the release of YubiKey 5.7 firmware and Yubico Authenticator 7, moving organisations towards a passwordless future with increased cybersecurity measures.
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Exclusive: Insights from Yubico on World Password Day
Wed, 1st May 2024
advanced persistent threat protection
personal computing devices
Ahead of World Password Day, Yubico's Regional VP, Geoff Schomburgk discusses the firm's global impact on cybersecurity and its move towards pioneering passwordless solutions.
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Maximising passkey implementation: 5 points from Yubico specialist
Wed, 27th Mar 2024
As cryptographic passkeys rise as the new standard for secure app and web authentication, Yubico's senior solutions architect David Pham shares insights on effective integration approaches, highlighting user control, multi-passkey support, and the need for optional extensions in authentication.
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Microsoft's Surface Pro 10 promotes passwordless future with YubiKey
Mon, 25th Mar 2024
Yubico's YubiKey collaborates with Microsoft's Surface Pro 10 for Business for NFC-based, phishing-resistant, passwordless authentication.
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How AI and cybersecurity is shaping the 2024 election landscape
Mon, 18th Mar 2024
Tensions over AI-generated content and cybersecurity risks heighten as US voters express cross-party concern for the 2024 electoral landscape.
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Three quarters worry over AI misuse in upcoming US elections
Tue, 12th Mar 2024
cyber attacks
A recent survey reveals a growing concern among 78% of U.S. voters over potential misuse of AI in the 2024 elections, affecting cybersecurity and election outcomes.
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Rise in 'quishing' attacks exploits growth in QR code usage
Wed, 28th Feb 2024
qr code
With the rise of QR code usage, a new form of phishing attack dubbed 'quishing' has surged, with cyber criminals exploiting the codes to steal personal data, warns Yubico's solutions architect, Josh Cigna.
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ASD updates Essential Eight, strengthens phishing-resistant MFA requirements
Thu, 1st Feb 2024
commerce systems
The Australian Signals Directorate has revised the Essential Eight Maturity Model, lowering the bar for organisations and amplifying phishing-resistant multi-factor authentication requirements to fortify cyber breach prevention.
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Microsoft 365 widens cyber defence with mobile YubiKey support
Thu, 25th Jan 2024
endpoint protection
In a significant leap for cybersecurity, Microsoft 365 has expanded support for passkeys on YubiKeys to mobile devices, advancing protection for iOS and iPadOS users.
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Keeper Security introduces hardware key as sole 2FA method
Thu, 18th Jan 2024
Keeper Security boosts cybersecurity with new support for hardware security keys as the solitary Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) method to deter remote attacks.
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Top six recommendations for remaining robust and resilient in 2024
Tue, 16th Jan 2024
personal computing devices
Facing increasing cybersecurity threats, experts insist on switching from passwords to phishing-resistant multi-factor authentication amidst the rise of AI-driven phishing attempts in 2023.
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Australia aims to become global cybersecurity leader by 2030
Fri, 29th Dec 2023
cyber attacks
Australia intensifies its cybersecurity measures with ambitions of becoming a global frontrunner in digital protection initiatives by 2030.
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Australia leads in global cybersecurity with phishing-resistant measures
Tue, 12th Dec 2023
email security
Australia adopts robust cybersecurity measures, leading global efforts in phishing-resistance, and positions as a prospective cybersecurity leader by 2030.
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Rising cybersecurity threats push shift from passwords to passkeys
Tue, 28th Nov 2023
As cyber threats intensify, passkeys are replacing passwords as the prime defence against phishing attacks, says Yubico.
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Rising cybersecurity threats prompt shift from traditional password methods
Mon, 27th Nov 2023
advanced persistent threat protection
email security
risk & compliance
Rising cybersecurity threats prompt a shift from traditional, vulnerable password methods to phishing-resistant authentication solutions.
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Yubico's tips on online security for travellers over the holiday season
Thu, 16th Nov 2023
advanced persistent threat protection
public wi-fi
Cybersecurity firm Yubico offers insightful advice on enhancing online security for travellers this festive season.
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EU aims to standardise digital IDs with personal data control by 2026
Fri, 3rd Nov 2023
advanced persistent threat protection
EU aims to standardise digital IDs with personal data control by 2026, moving away from cloud-based providers.
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Securing festive shopping: Tips to avoid online scams and protect personal data
Tue, 24th Oct 2023
commerce systems
payment technologies
As online festive shopping skyrockets, concerns about personal cyber security have deepened. Avoid becoming a victim of scams with these top tips.